Fed up with endless cycles of dieting, overeating, and feeling out of control around food?

Discover the hidden triggers that have kept you stuck and why other approaches haven’t worked. Explore the psychology and emotions driving your behavior. Learn how to reset your physiology, mindset, and habits to normalize your relationship around food.
Do you feel like you are at the mercy of dieting and that you simply haven’t found the one that is finally melting your fears around your weight and food?
Well, the truth is… dieting and diet culture are the leading precursors to disordered eating that paves the way to overeating, and food obsession.
I’m Functional Nutrition and Eating Psychology coach Mindy Gorman-Plutzer. I know your struggles all too well. Not only did I overcome my own disordered relationship with food and rebuild my emotional and physical health, but obtained special training to help you identify the physiological triggers and mindset hurdles that keep you trapped in the no-win dieting culture.
Ever Wonder Why Your Relationship With Food Has Become So Tumultuous?
Maybe you say these things to yourself…. “If I only eat certain foods then my life will be better” or “I was really bad yesterday because I ate all those cookies, after I finished off 3 granola bars and 2 frozen yogurt pops”
Do you plan out what you are going to eat during the day every morning and make a vow to stick to it? Do you feel like you’re “winning the game” if you stay strict only to realize that you’ve been obsessing all day over your meal plan instead of enjoying life or being more productive at work?
Maybe you’ve already put a lot of effort into working with an emotional eating coach or spending hours doing mindset work, working on nutrition, and even meditating –and yet you still see yourself falling back into the same maddening patterns that make you feel like food literally rules you.
Are you sick and tired of all your fear, sadness and guilt it brings and feel like the big “AH-HA” is out there somewhere but you just haven’t found it yet?
Well, you’re not alone – so many people going through my programs are looking for that AH-HA moment! But what they find is many overlooked key insights they were missing to really unlock complete healing.
I understand exactly what you are experiencing right now, because of my own disordered and compulsive behaviors – severe restricting, compulsive overeating and consistent purging.
I went through so much trial and error, saw so many practitioners and tried what felt like a million things. The conventional treatment protocols failed me in so many ways – both emotionally and physically. In the end, I went on my own quest to find the healing I so desperately needed.
This is what led me to seek additional training in Functional Medicine Nutrition and Eating Psychology, where I was able to cover all the bases by combining both trainings. Now I have created a truly comprehensive approach towards Disordered Eating Recovery.

Ever Wonder Why Disordered Behaviors are at an All Time High?
If so, I get it.
Women are confused and fearful of what the messaging out there says about their bodies and what food will do to them. It’s no wonder they continue to numb themselves with food and lose themselves to beliefs and behaviors that start out as a means to feel safe, protected and soothed.
They’re literally losing valuable time obsessing over food, starving themselves, or binging on food that can wreck a body that is already nutrient-deprived.
Many wonder, “What am I missing?”
Is this You?
The thing is, you already know in your heart something is off! This is not how you want to continue to live your life… but you just don’t know where to turn.
On top of that, you’re dealing with a huge to-do list, life goals you want to achieve, and relationships that need more of your attention – all while you just can’t stop thinking about food. It’s like having a dirty little secret that plagues you.

After years of helping people overcome their disordered eating, I’ve come to realize that the skewed relationship starts “way back when” – like an old ex you’d rather forget about and yet keeps showing up at your door!
Oftentimes, it starts in childhood or when we are in our formative years!
A dysfunctional and disordered relationship with food (and what we believe about our bodies) is formed through some kind of emotional or psychological trauma. It could be big or small, just one event or a series of events that hit us hard on an emotional level. It could be a callous remark from a loved one, growing up with a restrictive or judgmental parent, or being teased incessantly at school.
But I’m talking about other hidden beliefs that you may not have uncovered yet because you just aren’t aware of them! These hidden beliefs are like little trap doors on the superhighway to sabotage you and keep you in a disordered eating cycle, one that is guided by misinformation driven by mis-guided beliefs.
On top of that, you may be dealing with feelings of despair, low energy, low moods, and brain fog. Maybe you think you are “emotional”or “highly sensitive”, but there is a second saboteur at play here! It’s the biological fall-out of your behavior with food that also keeps you feeling drained in the cycle!
This fall-out impacts your physiology and creates imbalances throughout your body from gut to brain health. If your gut and brain aren’t functioning optimally, it’s no wonder you aren’t feeling positive and strong!
Many of you don’t realize that these biological imbalances hugely impact your mental state and your ability to feel confident and truly joyful.
Treating your body while addressing compulsive or mindset imbalances is often missing from many disordered eating programs. After all, if your body is nutrient-deficient, if you have a gut infection that is making your brain go haywire, if you’re eating foods you’re sensitive to – there’s no way you are going to beat a compulsive drive to eat!
The #1 reason you haven’t been able to heal your disordered eating is that you haven’t healed ALL of you! Chances are you’ve only been addressing bits and pieces, which means you are never truly balanced.
The secret to unraveling those symptoms is getting the right INFORMATION to understand where you are unknowingly sabotaging yourself, and what you need to do to get yourself back in balance as you discover the most vibrant version of yourself (maybe for the very first time)!
Well, I bet you’re wondering, “But I did a nutrition program and it still didn’t help.”
Don’t get me wrong: working with a nutritionist can be helpful – but many of them aren’t trained in functional nutrition, so they don’t understand a lot of the issues that could be keeping you in a disordered eating cycle… meaning they may lack knowledge about gut health, the impact on the brain, and how an “all foods fit” diet could be actually feeding your anxiety.
That’s why I am best prepared to address the link between disordered eating, nutrients, and mental health for you.
The Reason You Are Stuck In Disordered Eating? You are Missing Key Information!
Many people feel stuck with disordered eating, but the good news is you have just hit a plateau – and with new information, you can start to rebalance your body.
Can you imagine how good that would feel… to be finally free of your restrictive eating, the binging and the guilt, and to get your life back?
To finally release those negative feelings around food and just start to feel good about yourself? To finally stop obsessing over food so that you can put more energy into your work and enjoy time with your family again?
It is possible, as I have seen with countless numbers of my clients and myself… and this is why I created a deep-dive training to help you free yourself from disordered eating… with transformational insights that unfortunately aren’t common knowledge.
Here’s What You Need To Know About The Course
Beyond Food: Conquering the World of Hidden Triggers is a comprehensive that explores WHO you are as an eater with in-depth, advanced information on the complexities of psychology and physiology.
You’ll learn…
- WHY you are struggling and experiencing eating challenges. It’s not at all about the diet – it’s about understanding why your behavior with food reflects what you may be believing about yourself!
- WHY focusing so much attention and energy on food can actually keep you from understanding what you need to do instead.
- WHY your emotional connection with self-worth + self-soothing gets warped and derailed.
- WHY story and your attachment to it has created limiting beliefs that lead to limiting behaviors.
You’ll discover…
- WHAT’S to blame for challenging eating patterns and what role your biology plays.
- WHAT’S behind the mind, emotions, and biology that are involved in creating a feedback loop (leading to cravings) which feels impossible to break (but isn’t).
- WHAT’S the worst thing to do when you are trapped in that feedback loop, and how to avoid other pitfalls that only leave you feeling more hopeless and discouraged?
Finally Learn…
- HOW it is possible to stop thinking about and fearing food all the time.
- HOW your triggers are unique to you and why identifying triggers and your unique biological factors are likely the missing pieces.
- HOW to break patterns that you may have learned in childhood (that are literally hijacking a healthy relationship to food and what to replace them with instead).
What’s the Investment?
I am sure the next thing you’re wondering is… how much?
Well, to make this life-changing information available to as many people as possible, it’s priced very affordably, for just a single payment of $197 so that you can get the support and information that so many women are lacking – keeping them stuck in the cycle of their behaviors instead of enjoying life.
When you invest in your body, mind and soul, there is no greater return on investment because it upgrades literally every area of your life!
To join, simply click the button below.
Single Payment Of $197
Need Help Ordering or Have Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns about the Beyond Food course, please contact us via [email protected] or call us at 646-726-4084
Who is this course for?
- You are committed to your emotional, psychological and physical recovery from the diet-binge cycle
- You are ready to challenge your personal and cultural beliefs about food and weight
- You accept that transformative change is not always a comfortable process and that you can’t grow unless you address these lifelong challenges once and for all.
How soon can I start?
You can start right away! Once you purchase the training course, you will be able to start exploring WHO you are as an eater and how you can begin the journey of letting go of what’s no longer serving you.
How much time will it take?
The 3 modules and their lessons in the self-paced course take several hours to consume, but can be watched when it is convenient for you. Each module is broken down into small chunks, video lessons that average anywhere from 15-20 minutes each. You can take breaks whenever you need to, allowing you to progress at your own pace. You can go back and review any of the modules or lessons at any time to reaffirm your understanding or to refresh your memory as you put the material into practice.
How do I access the recordings and materials?
Once you have purchased the course, you will receive direct access to the modules, plus a follow-up email with your chosen login credentials.
The course is for those who are ready to utilize a holistic, functional medicine perspective towards disordered eating. The training is for educational purposes only and does NOT constitute specific medical advice in a legal physician/patient relationship.
There are no guarantees made on accuracy at time of course publication, as the landscape of medicine and research changes daily. Always check with your personal physician.
By enrolling in the course, you understand the above statements.