The Freedom Promise: The Book That Will Transform Your Relationship with Food
- Know WHAT to eat, HOW to eat and WHY your past dieting efforts haven’t brought you sustainable results?
- Know that you can TRANSFORM YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD to one that is joyous, loving and free?
Mindy Gorman-Plutzer’s new book, The Freedom Promise, shares powerful insight and strategies related to letting go of disordered eating behaviors and limiting beliefs that keep you tied to a toxic relationship with food. You will not only examine what you eat but explore who you are as an eater.
With personal stories to inspire, practical steps, exercises and affirmations, The Freedom Promise will motivate you to examine your behavior with food, explore what it is you are hungry for and guide you as you re-frame and re-write the stories you have been telling yourself about food and your relationship to it.
“I am willing to make a safe assumption that you know how to diet – how to cut calories, fats and carbs in an effort to manage your weight, presumably to lose some of it. I believe it is fair for me to think that you are up on all the latest nutritional theories – what’s in and what’s out. I am sure that while you know how to diet you are often confused as to how to eat. Perhaps any pleasure you get from food is accompanied by a hearty dose of guilt and you are longing for joy and spontaneity from your relationship with food.”
Reading this book will bring you to a place where you can experience lasting change, sustainable results and the knowledge that you can be fully nourished in ways other than from the food on your plate. You’ll be guided to find the sacred space where compassion, acceptance, forgiving and the healing reside.

“Sharing powerful insight and strategies related to letting go of disordered eating behaviors and limiting beliefs that keep the reader tied to a toxic relationship with food, The Freedom Promise offers personal stories to inspire, practical steps and affirmations. You will be motivated to examine your behavior with food, explore your hungers and be guided to re-frame the stories you have been telling yourself about food and your relationship to it.
Mindy Gorman-Plutzer has sincerely captured and articulated the power of self-love and awareness to heal lifelong patterns of disordered eating and self-denial. With remarkable candor and heartwarming humility, she illuminates in great detail the path she walked in order to create her proven steps to food freedom. Reading her words is like listening to a loving friend share hard-earned wisdom inspired by her personal journey. The message is clear and the messenger is full of compassion and insight. Reading it once won’t be enough and you may as well dog-ear every page.”
I offer different programs to support you and your goals. See which one is the best fit for your specific needs.
Are You Hungry For Freedom?
Contact me today and begin the transformation to become the most brilliant version of yourself as you finally experience clarity and lasting change so you can Stop Fearing What Food Will Do TO You and Start Embracing What It Can Do FOR You!