Does This Sound Familiar?
You’ve been through all the programs and protocols and you’re still…
- thinking about food more often than you’d like
- eating when you’re not hungry and unable to stop when you’re full
- ignoring your hunger for fear of having trouble stopping when you’re full
- challenged with digestive issues, mood swings and anxiety relating to and resulting from your relationship with food (you know it’s not all in your head)
- feeling you’ve exhausted all the possibilities for recovery
Are You Hungry for Freedom?
I invite you to register for this life changing course and be introduced to my signature system. During our time together I will inspire you to…
- discover how your challenges with your body are a symptom of your beliefs about and relationship with food, which mirrors your beliefs about and relationship with life
- honor your unique physiology, restore your health while taking a deep dive into WHO you are as an eater (no one size fits all philosophy here)
- explore the aspects of physical and emotional hunger and
- understand that true transformation is more about letting go than about changing what you do and that what truly nourishes you can’t be found in the kitchen
What would your life look like if you stopped directing the best of your energy to food, weight and the size of your thighs? This will be the time that you finally stop fearing and make peace with food. During this powerfully eye opening course, we’ll explore the steps that will help you transform the energy of obsession to making lasting and sustainable changes in your life, including your relationship with food and your body.
Imagine The Possibilities
When you’re
- Re-framing negative messages and limiting beliefs to re-affirm you are enough right now
- Eating to satisfy your true physical hunger and knowing when you’ve had enough
- Moving in a way that accepts and honors your body
- Empowered with a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan that both nourishes and nurtures you back to the most vibrant version of yourself
Hungry for more?
Register and Say Goodbye to Your Disordered Eating For Good!
Find Structure, Tools, Accountability and Community.
FREEDOM is an acronym for my signature system
Week 1 Laying the Foundation, Framing the Steps, Introducing the 7 Steps to Lasting Freedom
Week 2 – Find Your Enough, Face Your Feelings and Feel the Love! Re-frame and let go of the toxic beliefs holding you back from re-claiming the most vibrant version of yourself. Find gratitude for where you are now – it got you to this place of wanting change and creating the space in which you can be the change you want to see.
Week 3 – Rest and Digest! Practice healthier strategies for stress management. It starts with simple breath. Being in even a low level stress response impacts your sleep, your mood, and even slows digestion, impacting nutrient absorption.
Week 4 – Eat when you are hungry and stop when you have had enough! For many, hunger is something to be either denied or feared. You can learn to honor it. Learn the difference between true physical hunger, emotional hunger and how to manage both.
Week 5 – Eat mindfully and without distraction! When you’re distracted, you don’t allow yourself to receive the sensory stimuli from your food, preventing you from knowing when you’ve had enough. Discover that your negative thoughts distract and keep you in a stress response and you suffer the effects.
Week 6 – Do something everyday that makes your body feel Alive! Move your body in an effort to honor it – don’t punish it with exercise designed to make it go away or make up for something you ate.
Week 7 – Only eat food, not products! This looks different for every body and I will help you learn how to know what’s right for YOU. No one-size-fits-all, all-foods fit protocols here.
Week 8 – Make the effort to look at what truly nourishes you...your relationships, career, spirituality and physical activity. Sleep, movement, relationships, purpose and spirituality can’t be found in a kitchen but are what we crave in order to embrace the fully nourished life we deserve and desire.