I can’t believe that as I write this note to you, school is back in session, Summer Fridays are a thing of the past, and we need to re-think where we will be heading this weekend, as the beaches are closed.

I love that that we can look forward to the change of season, a fresh start, and hopefully, wonderfully crisp days, colorful foliage and the  heart-warming promises of the holiday season.

What I hope won’t change is your commitment to yourself and your desire to live a fully nourished life. With that in mind, I write to you this month about cravings. I hear so often from my clients about the pull to indulge in certain foods. Very often, a craving is telling us something….read on.

With my Warmest Regards,


“Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself” -Cicero

The body is an amazing source of intelligence. It as always there for you, pumping blood, never skipping a heartbeat, digesting whatever food you eat and maintaining homeostasis. Is this reliable, brilliant bio-computer making a mistake by craving ice cream, a bagel or a mid-afternoon doughnut? Are these cravings due to a lack of will-power or discipline? I am here to tell you that cravings are not a problem; but important pieces of information to tell you what your body really needs.

The first and most important thing is to understand why you crave what you crave. Maybe your diet is too restrictive or missing certain nutrients. Perhaps your lifestyle is too boring or stressful. Your body tries to correct the imbalance by sending a message: a craving. A craving for something sweet could mean you need more protein, more exercise, more water, or more loving kindness in your life. The key is to understand and deliver what your body really needs.

No book, magazine or theory can tell you what to eat. Learning to listen to your body, not the voices in your head, can tell you. Very often that voice talks of shoulds and shouldn’ts, what’s good and bad. When you listen to your body you can disengage from that voice (albeit too familiar) and develop a healthy relationship with the body you have. As you begin to decipher and respond to what your body is truly craving, you will create a deep and lasting level of health and balance.

The next time you have a craving, treat it as a loving message from your body instead of a weakness or lack of will-power. Try these tips:

  • Have a glass of water and wait 10 minutes
  • Eat a healthier version of what you crave. For example, if you crave sweets, try eating more fruit and sweet or root vegetables.
  • Ask yourself what may be out of balance in your life. Is there something you need to express? Was there an emotional trigger? Are you simply tired?
  • When you do eat what you are craving, enjoy it, taste it, smell it, savor it, notice how it makes you feel. This will help you become more aware and be FREE to decide if you really want it next time.

