With a fuller calendar comes more stress, and more stress means we can easily fall back into bad habits. Here are five ideas to help you stay on track towards a happier and healthier life.
1. Reframe your perception of deprivation
Reacting to a stressful situation or one you deem unfair often becomes an act of self-indulgence. A day spent taking care of others’ needs, answering to a demanding boss, dissatisfaction with where you are in your life at the moment can leave you feeling small, tired and bereft of positive energy. When finding yourself in such a state, the chocolate cake, bag of chips, container of ice cream or bottle of wine beckons. Self-indulgence in an effort not to feel deprived only serves to deprive you of how you want to feel. Instead, validate your feelings. You are allowed to feel tired, angry or sad. Nourish yourself with acts of self-kindness rather than self-indulgence. Instead of thinking “I have to do without….., think “I get to choose….”
2. Honor your hunger
No matter what you may be hungry for, it’s vital to honor – not ignore – your hunger. If you are feeling physically hungry, ask yourself if you ate enough today. Did you have enough fat? Did you eat enough fiber and carbohydrate? (YES! Carbohydrate) Did you drink enough water? Are you craving something? What is that craving telling you? Are you denying hunger for fear if you allow yourself to give into it you won’t be able to stop? Can you understand how denying hunger is metaphoric for denying your appetite for life?
If you are not physically hungry, perhaps it’s an emotional hunger that has gotten your attention. Are you emotionally starved for a connection that you have trouble making? How can you satisfy your hunger for love, success, adventure, joy, and self-expression?
3. Be mindful when eating
Because we are all so busy, we barely make time for eating, let alone eating mindfully. Instead of slowing down and experiencing the wonderful flavors in our food, we swallow meals while driving, watching TV, reading email, and paying bills. As a result, we become completely disconnected from food and how it can awaken our senses.
Make an effort to remove distractions and practice mindfulness at the table. Are you aware of what you’re eating? Are you relying on foods because of old beliefs? Do you even like those foods? Are you aware of when you’ve had enough to eat? Do you honor that feeling of fullness or satisfaction?
4. Don’t fall into diet traps
Are you Paleo? Vegan? Pescetarian? The billion dollar diet industry and it’s long list of should and shouldn’ts has us convinced that we cannot trust our bodies to know what’s necessary for our unique metabolisms. If you are following a specific diet, why? Is it right for you? Listen to the message, quiet the voice in your head and include your body in the conversation. – you might be surprised at the answer.
5, You don’t have to be perfect
The pursuit of perfection is a slippery slope into a state of constant unhappiness. It stifles our confidence, self-esteem and identities, which in turn leads to the idea that we are broken and cannot live up to our full potential until we are “fixed.”
You are not broken! You are whole, and your imperfections make you who you are – embrace being perfectly imperfect! Let go of the pursuit of perfection, because it doesn’t exist. Instead, find the space to make room for acceptance, curiosity and unconditional love. A lovingly nourished life, is indeed a fully nourished life.
If you are feeling angst about the days ahead, a coach can really help you navigate – and learn how to manage – the stress of a more hectic lifestyle. Please feel free to contact me today for a consultation.