“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love”
– Rumi
Think for a moment of a food from your past, one that makes you feel good for no specific reason. maybe it is macaroni and cheese, slow simmered tomato sauce, chocolate pudding made from scratch, ice cream cones or potato pancakes. Eating such foods, “comfort” foods, every now and then can be incredibly healing, even though your rational thinking may tell you otherwise.

Food has the power to impact us on a level deeper than our physical well being. What we eat can reconnect us to precious memories, like childhood playtimes, first dates, holidays, or our grandmother’s cooking. Our bodies remember food from the past on an emotional and cellular level. Eating this food connects us to our roots and has nurturing effects that go far beyond the food’s nutritional make-up.

I would rather we look at these foods as soul food, simply because when we acknowledge what different foods mean to us it becomes an important part of cultivating a good relationship with food.

This month, when we celebrate love and relationships, it is important to note that we each have a relationship with food that is often far from loving, or comforting. Many of us restrict food, attempting to control our weight. Others abuse food, substituting it for emotional well-being; and still others ignore food, swallowing it before we’ve even tasted it.

What would your life be like if you treated food and your body as you would treat your loved one – with gentleness, playfulness, communication, honesty, respect and love?
The next time you eat your soul food, do so mindfully, with awareness and without guilt, and enjoy all the healing and nourishment it brings you.

Stop fearing what food will do TO you…
Embrace what food can do FOR you!!

The Freedom Promise programs can help you tap into your body’s wisdom…help you let go of the belief system that is keeping you stuck where you don’t want to be. These proven strategies can help you let go of the belief that you need to be perfect in order to be who you want to be and guide you through the process of questioning what is true for you as it relates to food and your feelings.

Get my BREAKTHROUGH Discovery session and learn the secrets of THE FREEDOM PROMISE so you can discover the amazing things that can happen in your life when you stop pouring your energy into dieting…and start pouring it into LIVING.

